When the bottom falls out

You know we all have been in that season where everything that could go wrong, goes wrong. It starts with a problem at school, and then it shifts to your workplace and just your luck when you go outside to start your car nothing happens!

Yeah, we all have had those days. It seems as if those few dark days bogs us down with so much grief and despair that we immediately begin to undervalue all of the good things that we have attained in our lives

We must learn that while we are in times of chaos it does not give us the right to negate all of the good things that God has bestowed upon us.

 In this earthly life we must strive to find God’s goodness in all of our gruesomeness

Complaints about everything that is going wrong in your life should NOT be your testimony

Understand that a complaint can be the very thing that hinders you from your next dimension; life and death is still found in the tongue. When you complain about what you do not have, what you do possess might come up missing!

When you wholeheartedly link up with the greatest giver of them all you will not have time to wallow in the pity party that you have thrown yourself

 (You’re probably at the party alone :-[ )

Remember that praise can always be the replacement for pity and solitude in Christ will replace ALL sadness

Those that truly believe understand that with faith they can turn a life that seemed like it was on a downward spiral into a bottomless pit into a life that is restored and filled with happiness and peace that surpasses all understanding

God can take you from the bottom to the top, but the choice is totally up to you

 What will you do when the bottom falls out?

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